Klinefelter's Syndrome

Klinefelter's syndrome is a genetic disorder.The genetic disorder is that there is an extra X or Y chromosome at the last pair.  this disorder is mainly found to be with men, out of a thousand men there is one man with this genetic disorder. However, one out of five hundred men with this disorder does not show any symptom. 
The person with Klinefelter's syndrom will have small testicles and Most people with Klinefelter's Syndrome are unable to reproduce. This is because of the extra sex chromosome. Other symptoms include: Language impairment, thin or rounded body type and gynecomastia (big breasts). Most victims also have psychological problems and need help. 
  At the moment there is no cure for this disorder before we find out how to change the chromosomes or genes before it starts to duplicate. However, people with Klinefelter's Syndrome can have plastic surgeries and receive psychological aids. Testosterone treatment is also available for those who want to have a more masculine appearance.  

Interesting Facts: 

 1.Although Klinefelter's Syndrome seems to be a very strange genetic disorder, it's actually one of the most common genetic disorders! It affects 1 in 1000 males.
 2. Although very rare, females can also get Klinefelter's Syndrome.
 3. Karyotype testing is the only reliable method of identification. You cannot judge if a person has Klinefelter's Syndrome by his/her appearance.
 4. Unlike most genetic disorders, Klinefelter's Syndrome is not inherited, it is just a random event occurred in the process of separating chromosomes.
 5. People with Klinefelter's Syndrome have an increased chance of getting male breast cancer.
 6. Mammals like mice can also have this genetic disorder!